Carlson SurvPC

There’s a reason surveyors make Carlson their first choice in data collection software. SurvPC (for Windows) and SurvCE (for Windows Mobile) combine advanced functionality, ease-of-use, and cutting-edge features with excellent service and award-winning technical support.
Both SurvPC and SurvCE support the widest range of popular and newly released RTK GPS and conventional and robotic total stations, putting the power of Carlson’s in-field coordinate geometry at your fingertips.
Learn more about the latest release, SurvPC 7 here!

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• Highly graphical and intuitive user interface is designed ‘by surveyors for surveyors’
• Easy data exchange due to rich support of CAD file formats and .dwg, .dgn, .shp
• Optional Field-to-Finish: Create drawings intuitively and automatically as you work, saving you time back in the office
• Strong GIS features with optional seamless linking to Esri® in SurvPC
• Export directly in KML format for fast control in Google Earth
• Camera integration allowing assignment of picture to points or lines
• More field capabilities with quick and easy volume calculation and ability to generate points from polylines
• True versatility: SurvCE and SurvPC run on hundreds of GPS and total station models in service today, including Altus, Ashtech, Carlson, Geomax, Leica, Pentax, Sokkia, Spectra-Precision, Stonex, Topcon, and more. See full list at www.survce.com.
• SurvCE/PC are available in more than two dozen languages: English, Spanish, German, French, French (Canadian), Russian, Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, Chinese, Korean, Greek, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Swedish, Latvian and more.

SurvNET in the Field provides least squares analysis for boundary survey certification and procedures to reduce error including dual baseline and time delay, with simplified results and customizable PDF reporting
Improved blunder detection for averaging and field work
BIM Module supports IFC and Revit files for staking, storing, and visualizing in 3D and 2D
Reference drawing support including full layer control and automatic field update
Esri ArcGIS Online integration to log in and update Esri database in tandem with your survey
User created Hotlists and python scripting for advanced users allows greater customization
Enhanced Point List and Point Information with modification history and easily editable rod heights
Improved and fully customizable reports for coordinate, point, stake, volume calculation, and full job details now available in PDF and HTML formats
Carlson Cloud Enhancements including automatic login, icon to indicate login status, and separate chat windows
Tolerance Profiles for easily switchable customized tolerance settings
Enhanced graphical averaging with statistics display, error ellipses in real time, outlier removal, and automatic redundancy with time delay and RTK reset
Guided Powerline Survey with live graphing, ground surface definition, and emailed reporting of the results and environmental conditions
Monitoring routine offers a single-station system for deformation control of bridges, buildings, etc. Email alerts when motion tolerances are exceeded
Tunneling Module for staking any aspect of tunnels including road, dome, counter-dome, key, road, drainage
BIM Roading Advances in road staking to support BIM and DTM models with real time sectioning
Software Update and Geoid Download in the Field

• Enhanced Search icon now available in all live survey screens with access to multiple search methods for TS/RTS
• Voice prompting In Stakeout allows users to keep their eyes on the environment while staking
• Google, Open Street Maps, Esri® Maps, and your own
WMS overlays now available in the field
• GIS Inspector allows instant access to GIS attributing in the map screen
• Surface Inspector enables easy comparison of plan vs. as-built in elevation difference, making it simpler to store and stake the points that matter
• Obstructed Point Stakeout allows guided staking of unreachable points by marking azimuth and distance
• Automatic Backsight Check in the joystick screen makes it easier to check your setup at any time
• GPS Tolerance Band instantly indicates when a tolerance is exceeded in live survey screens

• Mix and match any RTS and GNSS from Carlson’s vast driver library
• GPS Search is faster than any search method available
• Follow Me keeps the total station pointed where you need it by continuously tracking the GNSS location
• Smart Lock detects when you are slowing down to take a measurement and automatically locks on the prism—ready when you are
• Smart Staking provides directions from the GNSS when the total station position isn’t available, then automatically locks back on the prism when you reach your destination
• Backup Tracking — GPS position is automatically shown when total station is not tracking
• GNSS Sensors work with the total station to allow e-level in total station mode and automatic correction of tilted poles

• Powerful Roading: favored by U.S. DOTs and heavy highway contractors around the world
• Comprehensive routines: Slope Staking, As-Built Topo with “Store Sections”, and more
• Advanced functionality for staking intersections and
culde-sacs using Carlson Road Network Files

• Powered by Esri: If ArcMap10, ArcView or equivalent reside on the same Windows tablet, SurvPC ‘finds’ the Esri engine and reads and writes Esri MXD files automatically, or SurvPC can be purchased with an Esri OEM engine built inside
• Intuitively use Esri Maps to perform all survey functions with no downtime learning new software
• Stake out, identify or draw to any existing feature by conventional ‘snap’ selection in Esri, DGN or .dxf
• Create new points in Esri, DGN or .dxf with symbols and formats native to the map
• Learn more in the SurvPC Esri Brochure

Use your robotic total station as a simple low density grid scanner with the RoboScan Workflow. This powerful tool, available in versions 5.05 and higher, can use the RoboScan Workflow With Grid Scan to take reflectorless shots along a grid that you define, automating the collection of numerous points in a few short steps.